Paypal Put a Hold on My Funds and Terminated my Account πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

I made a little over $6,000 in less than 24 hours with no ad spend!

Yes, you read that right πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ However, this isn’t what the post is about. Thanks to Clubhouse, I decided to dust off an old blog I put to the side log ago to pursue Forex, Futures and Options Trading.

My bad, off subject again. Anywho, thanks to a Clubhouse chat Moderated by my buddy Matty J and his good friend Tony the Closer, I got to speak amongst 6, 7 and 8 figure earners who discussed how their Paypal accounts got shut down and led to them moving to other merchant systems so the money that was being placed on hold wouldn’t slow up them scaling their businesses.

This led me to add my 2 cents (again thanks to MattyJ for bringing me out of hiding) and share what happened to me around this time last year when I decided to dust off my ecommerce skills and see what I could do.

Unfortunately, since I shut my online and brick and mortar store down back in 2017 to pursue Trading/Investing, my Paypal account needed to be warmed up again. I had no clue prior that adding some requested items to eBay during the holidays would get my Paypal account shut down.

Anywho, all my life I had to fight!

Well I meant I had to fight Paypal to get my Coin$.

What did I do you ask? I contacted the BBB, aka the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint.

As you can see in the images I’ve shared in this post, I filed the complaint in April and was able to access my Fund$ by April. I honestly think me emailing the higher ups at Paypall is what did it. As you can see my funds were finally released before I received a response via BBB πŸ˜’

*While writing this post, I tried accessing the link of the complaint for further deets but it wouldn’t load. If I’m able to access it somehow, I’ll update this post.

Legally, Paypal has no right to confiscate your funds when no fraud has occurred.

It’s around 4am so I’m cutting this short!

Want access to the letter I wrote? Click >>HERE<< and I’ll send it πŸ˜‰

Want to Learn how I made $6K in 24 hours? Free E-guide coming soon get it >>>HERE<<<

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5. Exhibit A


Timeline of Issue

4. Exhibit B

Initial Complaint to BBB

3. Exhibit C

Got a message saying I could withdraw Funds after I emailed Paypal Exec

2. Exhibit D

Message from BBB saying no response received

1. Exhibit E

Finally received a response from Paypal after I was able to withdraw funds.

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Wellth Creates Wealth| Hi! I'm Jovanni aka Jai for the homies πŸ˜‰ Your self-proclaimed W(h)ealth $hiftHer helping financially frustrated people become W(h)ealthier from the Inside Out 😎 | Found this post Helpful? SHARING IS CARING, so tap one of the colorful buttons above to share to your favorite platform NOW!!! | Check out the Old me @Whealthyher and Get to know the New Me @Wellthyher on Instagram πŸ˜‰


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